Automated Product list Creation and Recurring Invoice Generation

What’s New?

– Connectly users are now able to generate a new template or document and incorporate a product list. Once the product list is clicked on, the left drawer featuring all settings will automatically open.

– As soon as a user inputs a recurring product, the designation will automatically shift to recurring.

– If a product is defined as recurring, price type tags will appear to assist the user in distinguishing differences between one-time and recurring products.

– Prior to this update, users were only able to define a specific date for the generation of a recurring invoice. Now, there’s an option to construct the invoice at the time of signing. All future invoices are then sent according to the signing date and frequency. For example, if a document is sent on January 21st, signed on January 25th and monthly products are set up, the next invoice will be sent to this user on February 25th.

How to Use?

For Templates

– Navigate to Payments -> Documents & Contracts -> Templates -> New Template.

– Add a product list to the template and insert a signature element.

– Include a recurring product in the product list; the settings drawer on the left will then auto open.

– Once inserted, the product list will exhibit a distinction: which products will be handled as one-time and which will be added for recurring payments.

Note for documents and contracts – product list:

  1. Any product that is set as one-time in products, will be treated as one-time always.
  2. A recurring product having a setup fee configured will display two line items – one for the recurring portion (which will repeat) and one for the setup fee (which is a one-time charge).

There are some options which will guide how the document will function:

  1. ‘Generate invoice at time of signing’: confirms that a recurring invoice schedule is created and the first invoice is produced at the time of signing. All subsequent invoices will be created accordingly from the schedule i.e., monthly, weekly etc. The first invoice will be due on the date of signing if toggled on. If toggled off, users can determine a specific date when they want the invoice linked to this document to be sent out. It will only be mailed on that particular date, if the document is signed before the determined date.
  2. ‘Enable direct payment’: ensures that the primary signer is immediately redirected to the invoice after the document has been signed and an email is also sent to the primary user’s email.
  3. ‘Enable send invoice’: ensures that the invoice is mailed to the primary user’s email. If this is toggled off, a draft invoice will be formulated and saved in the invoices section which can be sent later.

– Once you save this template, go to workflows and set up a workflow with the saved template.

– After the workflow is initiated, the signer will then receive the document that includes an attached invoice.

– Upon completion of the signature, they will be redirected to the invoice. This redirection may take some time, but concurrently the invoice will also be sent via email for the user to pay it there in case they navigate away from this screen.

For Individual Documents

– The configuration in a similar way for individual documents.

– Directly send the document and the user can sign it and pay the invoice immediately.

Why We Built It?

– If you are a service company that charges a mix of setup fee at the time of signing and then a recurring payment, at fixed intervals, you can simply automate that workflow using documents and contracts – 2 in 1 feature.

What’s Next?

– There will be an option to include payment schedules to Documents to ascertain deposits with additional capability for auto payments

– Improvement is on the way for the speed of redirection to invoice screen. Currently, it can take up to one minute.

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