We are thrilled to announce that you’re now able to purchase and sell snapshots from the App Marketplace!
What’s New?
- Agency administrators can now sell their snapshots to other agencies through the App Marketplace.
- We’ve recently introduced a one-time pricing model, which has become the preferred method of selling snapshots.
- The Snapshots team has previously launched IP Protection to safeguard snapshot sellers’ assets from unauthorised resale.
- App creation has been greatly simplified to allow new snapshot creators to effortlessly generate apps with snapshots in minimal steps.
- Other agency administrators can purchase snapshots from the App Marketplace and deploy them to their locations.
- SaaS-preneurs can also utilise Marketplace snapshots as part of their SaaS Plans.
Why is this feature important?
- Boost Agencies’ earning potential with Connectly: Every Connectly customer who is an expert in their industry’s CRM offerings can now package and sell their assets to other agencies.
- Increase App supply and consequently, Marketplace adoption: With this new release, selling on the App Marketplace isn’t just for tech developers. As every customer gets the opportunity to become an app seller, it’s expected that this development will increase the supply of apps on the App Marketplace.
Start selling your snapshots today!