Effortless Blog Importer: Simple 3-Step CMS-to-CMS Tool

Introducing the Blog Importer Tool

We are thrilled to present the Blog Importer, a simple and easy 3-step tool designed to import blog posts from any CMS effortlessly. With just a single link, you can map elements like titles, categories, and authors, and then decide whether to publish immediately or save as a draft.

Key Features:

  • Easy 3-Step Process – Simply add the blog URL and recent blog post URL to scan and preview the content. Do note that if the iframe is blocked, the blog post preview will not be visible, but the tool will function as expected.
  • Mapping Breakdown – Effortlessly map the blog title, category or tag, featured images, the date it was published, content, and author from the preview.
  • Review and publish your content whenever you are ready!


Before you start, please ensure the blog has a sitemap for posts. For instance, if your blog is located at blog.abc.com, make sure to check blog.abc.com/sitemap.xml for a sitemap.

How Does It Work?

Step 1: Set Up Your Import

  • Navigate to Sites > Blog
  • Click on the blog name
  • Go to New Post > Import Blog Post
  • Fill in the blog URL and the URL of the last published blog post
  • Select where you’re importing from

Hint: After you’ve set up, you can revisit to see the “Scan in Progress” status in the “Imported Content” section.

Step 2: Map Content

Select the blog title, published date, author’s name, content, and category or tag. Be aware that if the mapping is incorrect, you can manually choose the CSS selector.

Step 3: Import Content

When the scraping process is complete (usually takes about 10-20 minutes for 1,000 posts), you are able to import every post either individually or in bulk. Please note that all posts will initially be imported as drafts.


It is suggested to preview your blog post before you publish it live.

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