Enhanced CSV API Module in Social Planner for Developers

Exciting Updates: New Release Announcements

We are enthusiastic to announce the roll-out of public API support for the CSV API Module in Social Planner as a part of our Phase 3 release. This latest addition will enable developers to seamlessly fetch, upload, delete, and process CSVs along with their respective posts.

Adding to this, multiple new scopes have been introduced for accessing Social Planner’s CSV APIs which include –



API Endpoints: CSV APIs

Here are the CSV API endpoints available:
– GET /social-media-posting/:locationId/csv : Retrieves CSVs list to check status
– GET /social-media-posting/:locationId/csv/:id : Retrieves a CSV by CSV Id
– POST /social-media-posting/:locationId/csv : Uploads CSV to process and sends for review
– POST /social-media-posting/:locationId/set-accounts : Sets accounts to CSV for posts creation
– DELETE /social-media-posting/:locationId/csv/:id : Deletes CSV by CSV id
– PATCH /social-media-posting/:locationId/csv/:id : Publishes CSV posts based on CSV uploaded and accounts set
– DELETE /social-media-posting/:locationId/csv/:csvId/post/:postId : Deletes CSV post by post Id

Why it Matters:

With the advent of this upgrade in Connectly, developers will have the ability to make use of the CSV APIs effortlessly through the OAUTH channel using specific scopes. In the near future, continual improvements and introductions will be made to the CSV APIs, with enhanced features and greater validations to ensure an elegant user experience.

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