Enhanced Payments Tab Offers Direct Billing and Transaction Tracking

What’s New?

– Users now have a dedicated Payments tab within Opportunities.

– Users can now send estimates and invoices from an opportunity

– Users can now access invoices, estimates, transactions linked to an opportunity within the section

– Users will be redirected to the estimate/invoice with contact details pre-populated and once sent, they will be redirected back to the specific Opportunity

How to Use?

– Go to Opportunity -> Open a specific opportunity -> Go to Payments Tab

– Click on Actions -> Create Estimate/Invoice

– Users will be redirected to the Invoice or Estimate page with contact details pre-populated

– After users hit send, they will be redirected back to the same opportunity

– Once back to the opportunity, users can view the transactions in all types. The type can be filtered to be an invoice and users can access the redirection button to see all invoices.

Why We Built This?

– Connectly has made these upgrades to complete the journey from sale to payment collected within an opportunity

– The platform aims to let users easily navigate payments while they are tracking an opportunity

What’s Planned Next on This Front?

– The next developments include auto-updating opportunity value with invoice value

– Also planned are options to attach opportunity within invoices

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