What’s New?
Businesses using Connectly now have the ability to pause subscriptions either definitely or indefinitely directly from Payments > Subscriptions by clicking on the three dots next to any subscription from the list.
Subscriptions can also be paused from the subscription details page.
When a subscription is set to be paused definitely, it means it is done with an end date set in place, after which the subscription would automatically resume its activity. However, it can also be resumed at any time manually before the pause end date if the business prefers to do so.
Alternatively, subscriptions can be paused indefinitely which means these would need to be manually resumed without an automatic resume date.
While the subscription is paused, on every payment due date an invoice would be generated. Customers will be given an option to receive these invoices in draft or void state.
Draft invoices can be sent to the customers and the payments received against these invoices would then be marked to the respective Subscription.
In addition, pause related fields have been added to the CSV download of Subscriptions. Fields such as Paused Date, Resume Date, and the like are now included for better tracking and reporting.