Enhanced User Experience and Clearer Error Messages for Google Adwords and Facebook CAPI

Bug Fixes ๐Ÿ›

We recently fixed a few bugs for a more seamless user experience and clear error messages for effective problem resolutions.

Google Adwords

1. We resolved an issue where conversion uploads were failing because of “One per click” counting type with missing GCLID and use of gbraid/wbraid.

2. We added more specific checks based on counting type: GCLID prioritized for “One per click” conversions.

Error message: “The Google Ads conversion tracking is set to ‘One per click,’ but the required GCLID is missing.”

Facebook CAPI

1. Emojis are no longer allowed in payloads, and users will now receive clear error messages instead of generic errors.

Error message: “Emojis and Special characters are not allowed in the stage/Event name”

2. We have improved error messages for “Missing permission” in instances when mismatched access tokens and Pixel IDs are used.

Error message: “This error occurs if the access token isn’t linked to a system user with admin rights for the ad account that owns the pixel. Please make sure the system user is an Admin and that both the user and the pixel belong to the same ad account.”

Updated help doc:

We have updated our help document on the topic: Workflow action – Add to Google AdWords.

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