We are proud to announce an exciting new feature – timezone abbreviations for appointment start and end times. This update brings significant improvements to clarity and reduces potential confusion.
What’s Newly Added?
We provide two timezone settings – the user’s timezone and the business’s timezone. These settings have often created confusion among users, creating uncertainty over whether an appointment time is referring to their local timezone, or that of the business.
We’ve tackled this issue head-on, eliminating any ambiguity about which timezone an appointment is scheduled in. For instance, if a business is operating in CST and a user is in PST, the new feature will enable you to see clear indicators such as ’10:00 am to 10:30 am CST’ or ’08:00 am to 08:30 am PST’ alongside the appointment times.
How Can You Use This Feature?
You’ll now spot the timezone abbreviations in the subsequent sections:
- Calendar View
- Appointment Modal + Activity Log
- Appointment List View
- Contacts – Activity Card & Appointment Tab
- Conversations – Activity Card & Appointment Tab
- Opportunities