Enhanced ResendToUnopened Support for RSS and Batch Schedule Campaigns

We’ve Improved Your Capability to Connect with Unopened Contacts

Previously, the feature ‘ResendToUnopened’ was accessible only for ‘Send Now’ campaigns, limiting your capacity to reconnect with contacts who didn’t open the mail in RSS and Batch Schedule campaigns.

Our Enhancements:

We’ve added ‘ResendToUnopened’ support for RSS and Batch Schedule campaigns, which provides more flexibility to increase reach.

Usage Guidelines:

– After sending an RSS or Batch Schedule campaign, click on the three-dot menu (in the list view).
– Choose ‘Resend to Unopened’.
– Pick a new subject line and schedule a resend time.
– Click ‘Schedule’ to finalize.

Updates to Look Forward To:

Batch resend functionality will be accessible shortly.

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