We’re delighted to introduce a fresh feature that enables users to select whether they want to automatically assign new customers as sub affiliates under the affiliate who initiated them following a successful transaction.
What’s New?
- Campaign Setting: A switch is now accessible in campaign settings under “Additional Settings” allowing users to enable or disable the auto-enrollment of new customers as sub affiliates.
- Global Setting: The aforementioned switch can be adjusted in global settings, which will be applicable to all future campaigns you launch.
How It Works:
- Navigate to the Sub Account Affiliate Manager.
- Select an existing campaign or set up a new one.
- In the final step, expand “Additional Settings.”
- Toggle the “Auto Enrol New Customers as Sub Affiliates” setting.
- Save and publish your modifications.
Why it Matters:
In the past, all new customers who were initiated by an affiliate following a successful transaction were automatically changed to sub affiliates under that affiliate. With the advent of diverse methods to hire and incorporate sub affiliates, users now possess the ability to deactivate this automatic conversion. This functionality improves users’ control over the creation of sub affiliates and allows for the separation of customer relationships, if required.