Revamped Review Posting with Customisable Fonts and Colour Schemes


We’re all ready to spread some joy in the new year with an entirely revamped feature for posting reviews. You can now share your reviews on Facebook stories, as well as on Instagram. Furthermore, we’ve updated our brand’s font family and color schemes to make your brand content posting congruous and truly reflect your distinctive brand personality.

What’s New?

  1. Customer reviews are one of the most potent tools to build trust and influence purchasing decisions. By incorporating reviews into your social content strategy, you can enhance your brand’s presence.
  2. Highlight positive customer experiences.
  3. Boost brand credibility.
  4. Generate higher engagement and increased conversions.

Key Highlights:

  1. Automated Scheduling for Facebook story: Pre-plan and publish reviews at the ideal time to effectively maintain audience engagement on Facebook.
  2. Scheduling time: Set your reviews to be posted daily, weekly, or monthly.
  3. Customization Options: Make your reviews personalized with several font types for captions, a variety of background colors, and visuals to align with your brand voice.

How it works?


  1. Connect your Social accounts from the ‘Integrations’ tab under the ‘Settings’ menu.
  2. Look for the already received reviews under the ‘Reputation’ menu -> Reviews tab.
  3. To create a review automation, navigate to ‘Social planner’ -> ‘New post’ CTA -> ‘Post Reviews’.

Creating your automated ‘Review posting’ schedule:

  1. Click on ‘Post reviews’.
  2. Select ‘When should we send?’ to set up the posting schedule as per your preference.
  3. Depending on your desired frequency, select every day, week or month for the review to be posted on the platform.
  4. Select a background image for the review post.
  5. Opt for new content personalization options such as font family, size, and color as per your brand’s style.
  6. Voila! Your reviews are all set to be shared!
  7. Check the ‘Review post automation’ under ‘Content’ -> Review tab.
  8. You can pause, edit, or delete the planned schedule whenever you want to implement changes.


Q: Why are my reviews not publishing on social platforms?

– It’s possible that the reviews are inaccessible because they are fetched from the ‘Reputation’ module, which requires all the social networks to be active and linked in the ‘Integrations’ tab. If at any point the session tokens expire or get disconnected, you will need to re-connect your account to post the reviews successfully.

Q. Where do I set up the review automation to fetch the reviews automatically and publish?

– The review automation should be created under ‘Social planner’ for it to retrieve the reviews and post them according to the schedule.

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